YWAM Riga is offering a 6 weekend Discipleship course, from October- December 2018. We want to see (young) people grow their roots (beliefs) deeper and stronger in knowing who God is, and through that living out their calling in God’s world. Together we want to be rooted, knowing God & to making him known.
What to expect?
Friday nights (18:00 – 21:00) & Saturdays (9:30 – 15:00), filled with:
Teaching – Worship – Intercession – Fellowship – Food
Besides that, you’ll have a personal mentor (one of the YWAM staff) throughout these 3 months and have an outreach day on the last weekend of Roots.
Also, we ask you to set aside 2 hours a week for homework (writing a journal to process the teaching topic and reading a book about Mission).
Weekend Topics
- Fear of the Lord & Stewardship
- Missions
- The Bible (study & overview)
(Some topics might still change)

“But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”
Mathew 13:23
October 12 & 13 Kick off, teaching & last chance to apply
November 2 & 3, 16 & 17, 30 & Dec. 1
December 1, 14 & 15
Other Important Info
Languages offered: Russian & English (possibly Latvian)
Price: €90 to cover housing, guest speakers, meals
Location: Matīsa iela 40/42, Riga
Join us in this time of becoming rooted in God!
More info: roots@ywamlatvia.org
David Samoylich
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